NRG Health & Fitness Blog
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10 Exercise Myths Busted!
Myth 1: Stretching Before Workout Prevents Pulling Muscles Truth: Stretching before a workout just gets the blood flowing to the muscles, enabling them to work hard. It’s not going to prevent injuries–using the proper form for your exercise will do that–but it will ensure that the muscles are ready to work. Myth 2: Sports Drinks […]

Boost Your Energy
What do booze, an aching back, and a bad mood have in common? They all suck away your energy. But you can fight back. We mined hundreds of scientific studies and interviewed dozens of experts to compile 50 of the very best tips to rev your engines—right now! Nix the nightcap. Alcohol prevents your body […]

Carbs or No Carbs
In a world where nutrition controversy abounds, marketing is king, and the whisper of a low-carbohydrate intake can incite great animosity, it can be a little tricky to figure out what will actually get you results you desire. Have no fear! As long as you’re willing to do the hard work, this article will provide […]

Top 25 Fitness Tips and Strategies from the Experts
Are you tired of putting in the effort at the gym and not seeing results? Many people show the drive, determination, and consistent effort, but don’t reach their goals. If this sounds familiar, the next logical step is usually to find an educated personal trainer with proven experience. But, if you’re not ready to take […]

What to drink when exercising ?
What to Drink When You Exercise We all know that when we work out, it’s important to stay hydrated. But what should we be drinking? Ordinary water, of course, is the classic choice. However we have a huge range of flavored drinks to choose from also. Experts say it all depends on your taste — […]

Run v Bike & Other Calorie – Burning Questions
Run v. Bike And Other Calorie-Burning Questions Why your cardio machine’s calorie count isn’t quite right. By Alex Hutchinson Published September 23, 2013 How Many Calories Are You Really Burning? I got an e-mail from a reader recently asking about the relative calorie consumption of biking versus running. Using typical calculators like the Compendium of […]