NRG Health & Fitness Blog
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What To Eat Before & After A Workout
Poor eating habits can undermine even the best efforts to stay fit. Savvy athletes know that eating the right foods before a workout can give you the necessary fuel to make it through the last five minutes on the treadmill or through that last set of squats. So, what should you eat before you hit […]

3 Advantages Of Training With A Gym Buddy
Training with a gym buddy is a huge help when you’re starting a fitness journey. As far as diet and exercise are concerned, generally there are three different types of days when it comes to your workouts. The first type of day is when you simply head to the gym, take a while to get […]

The Ultimate Muscle Building Diet Plan
Your body is a machine that constantly reinvents itself. Every minute of every day, it breaks down its own tissues and replaces them with new stuff it makes from a combination of the food you eat and recycled material it scavenges from other tissues. No matter how old your Facebook profile says you are, your […]

Smoothie Recipes For Everything
Is there anything as versatile, adaptable and convenient as a smoothie? I doubt it. Nor are there many things as universally beloved. Smoothies are scrumptious, indulgent concoctions that tickle the taste buds and, inexplicably, with every sip make you feel just a little bit happier and make the world a little bit friendlier. The smoothie is so […]

Top 10 Dos and Don’ts of Gym Etiquette
Top 10 Dos and Don’ts of Gym Etiquette Dos Do dress appropriately. Leave the tattered, torn and dirty clothes at home. And cover up, please. Most would prefer not to be distracted by too much skin or workout clothes that are too tight. Do wear deodorant, but skip the perfume and after-shave lotion. In […]

Get Motivated For Morning Workouts
Move Your Alarm Clock Instead of sleeping with the alarm next to your bed, move it to the other side of the room. That way, you’ll have to get up and get out of bed to shut it off. Once you’re up, it’s that much easier to stretch, don your workout clothes, and head out […]